What are the laws on outdoor surveillance cameras for home security in Sandy Springs?

Are you considering upgrading your property’s security with surveillance equipment but want to make sure you understand the law regarding their use? It’s sensible to confirm if you’re compliant, and bolstering your home with an additional layer of security is a fantastic idea. So, what are the laws on outdoor surveillance cameras for home security? Explore what you ought to know.
Understanding the reasonable expectation of privacy
One of the underlying principles relating to interior and outdoor surveillance cameras is the reasonable expectation of privacy. It has been documented from a legal standpoint that people should expect privacy in various places. This reasonable expectation of privacy covers environments like locker rooms, bathrooms, and bedrooms. However, it’s perfectly reasonable to install cameras in public areas like the outside of your home.
Be mindful of neighbors and focus on home security in Sandy Springs
While laws on outdoor surveillance cameras for home use defend your right to install outdoor cameras, that doesn’t permit you to point them at your neighbor’s bathroom or bedroom window. Always be careful of where your surveillance components are looking. When you use inside cameras, they should stay out of bedrooms and baths, as guests will expect privacy in those spots.
It’s important to note that state laws regarding surveillance equipment in public areas can vary. Even so, if you’re using cameras on your property for the sole reason of security, you will be legally protected.
Are audio recordings permissible in Sandy Springs?
Audio recordings from video equipment can be a bit trickier. Despite the fact a federal law (18 U.S.C. § 2511) permits the recording of private conversations when just one party allows, state laws vary. The preponderance of states abide by the single-party consent rule, but many demand all-party authorization in some circumstances. Here’s the breakdown for each state. If you live in a state that permits single-party consent and are taking part in the exchange, you may legally record audio without asking the other participants.
What are the best options for outdoor cameras in Sandy Springs?
Surveillance systems have come a long way in recent years. You can now opt for handy wireless options and access beneficial features like HD image quality, night vision, wide-angle views, and motion activation. Some top models even offer built-in deterrents. For instance, some devices scare off prowlers by illuminating an LED light and initiating an alarm. This capability is an effective way to keep unwanted visitors away.
Install a Vivint home security system with surveillance cameras
Enhance your home security and effectively dissuade crime with an advanced smart home from Vivint. We boast some of the top video equipment in Sandy Springs, including those with active deterrents. You’ll appreciate this added security and the automatic alerts you get whenever a camera detects dubious behavior. Call (470) 466-8688 to discover what we have to offer.